Sunday, January 21, 2007


That is the best word to describe this weekend. I loved having Amber home. Her visit ended Sat. with a trip to TIA. She made it safe to Pensacola and begins classes next week. She made some decisions for Christ while at home; I think being at home and back at church gave her some much needed time to rest and reflect. For that I am so grateful to God. I hated seeing her leave however. Do you ever get used to this? Rita, I don't know how you do it with your children all over the globe. Alex didn't take her leaving well either. She has a very soft heart.
Praise the Lord!! One of the ladies of our church ; who before had been sure of her salvation, accepted Christ as Saviour on Mon. night at the college days services at WestGate. She gave her testimony and was baptized after this mornings service! Then to top it off, Bro. Rossiter announced that he and Leona have surrendered to start a new church. This answers our churches prayer to plant a new church. I knew he was ready but it is so hard to let them go. He is the most awesome youth pastor. You can only imagine all the crying that went on this morning!
This will be a short post. I'm still dealing with alot of emotions and don't want to start crying again. All day long it's either been me or one of the girls! Poor Mike!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Stuffed to the gills!

I just about ate myself silly. All the girls are staying over at my sister-in-law's tonight, Mike is still at work,and I cooked this really great dinner. By the way it's 9:00 pm. I fried pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn and stuffing. I't's probably one of my favorites. I was going to make cookie but now I'm too full and too tired! Ugh, now the dishes and the girls are no where in sight.
All in all this was a good week at school. Alex did great on all her tests. Even got a 94 on her book report. And I was able to re-arrange the desks in my class with the help of some high school boys to move my heavy things. My incision is healing pretty well. Wednesday was bad with swelling and pain, but today is much better. My kids at school are very helpful though, every time I drop something, one of them jumps up to get it for me!
Have a busy weekend planned: take Amber for haircut tomorrow, laundry,clean bathrooms,clean fridge,menu and groceries. Somethings that don't require a lot of brain work. I like!
Enough procrastination, the kitchen awaits.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Halfway Home!

I almost feel about Wednesday's as I do Friday's. The week is half over! For the first few days back it hasn't been too bad. But then Amber has helped, I'm not sure I should get used to it; I don't want to think of her leaving;( Mike is on call this week, won't be home till about 2:00 a.m. If I had know that sooner the girls & I would have had leftovers! hahahaha

I read Amber's blog after school today, told her it was awful close to preaching! but right on target. This is one of her pet peeves! We're gearing up for Parent /Teacher conferences this week . This will be my first one as the "Teacher" , please pray for wisdom for me. I pray daily for His wisdom, but sometimes first graders can't tell if you're flying by the seat of your skirt! I think parents will be a little more discerning.

We have a wedding we are to attend this weekend. Aren't these supposed to be happy affairs? The last one was great. They were a saved couple , they seem more like family than blood relatives. That one just felt right; that they knew it was for a lifetime. Have no idea what this one will be like. I don't know how the world can function from day to day thinking this is as good as it gets. If Christ hadn't saved me I'd probably be one of those crazy women you hear about, muttering to themselves or jumping off bridges! Well....I do mutter sometimes, I just don't expect any voices to answer back! lol

I would love to take some of those quizzes, one of my girls needs to show me how to post them on this blog! Only if they aren't too embarassing!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Running in place all day

Ever have one of those days when you go and go and still feel as if you haven't accomplished anything of value? This was one of those. I keep thinking of everything I wanted to get finished before school on Mon. but then have to realize we have had so much fun as a family I wouldn't want to replace that with more WORK!

First thing I did was get up early with Mike, he had to work today; on call this week. Then put some laundry in, ate breakfast, then went back to bed. I think that is where I went wrong!! But I certainly enjoyed it! Amber and Alex went to church with me today, Amber made some drawings for my classroom while I took down all the Christmas decorations. She has been such a blessing! We've had some really great talks- grown up talks. You know, girl stuff!

Been reading a book a very special friend lent to me, "Created to be his help meet" . Alot of it I know,some of it new and all of it thought provoking. I think the Lord has been trying to remind me that in honoring my husband I am honoring and obeying HIM. Sometimes that is hard to remember when I feel my rights have been stepped on Pray with me that I will show honor as God desires me to do.

Church tomorrow morning, looking forward to hearing Pastor Naill. We love him so much! Amber said at college she is more "church sick" than "home sick" !

Need to finish dessert for Mike and get clothes ready for tomorrow morning. Post to you later!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

New Year...I'm finally here!

I know, I don't believe it either. It has taken Amber about 40 min to explain this whole Blog thing to me and my head is still spinning. I'm sure it will come to me, I'm a hands on person; I need to do before I learn. Later I'd like to post pix but for now this is all you get! We're missing church tonight. That mole I had biopsied was completely removed today- not feeling very comfortable just yet. I don't know when I became so squeamish about things, I thought I would hurl when I felt the tugging. It didn't hurt, just made me feel wierd. Things like this did NOT use to bother me.

I have ambivilant feelings about starting school next week. I love teaching the children and the interaction with the other staff at church, but am praying that the Lord will give me more strength. I need to be a better help meet for Mike. I hate feeling so tired all the time. Maybe If I am more organized......

Love having all my girls together, don't even want to think about Amber leaving. Traveling with the ensemble will keep her away for quite a while. But I know she is in God's will and held by His hand. No better place to be.

Alex is calling me, I promised to let her read to me. She has a book report due the first week back to school.

It's a new year, I'm excited to see how the Lord works in our families life this next 12 months!