Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Mr. Right

His age? 44

How tall is he? 6'3"

How long did you know each other before you got together? we met when I was 16, then wrote letters for 2 years. He was in Virginia and I was in Ohio

What physical features attracted you to him first? He was tall!

Eye color? Blue

Hair color? Used to be blond, now a light brown with some white!

Hair style? any way it wants to

Normal outfit? Dress clothes for work each day

How did you meet? A very good friend of mine introduced us when I came to Florida to be in her wedding

How serious is it? very serious!

Are you "in love"? defenitely

Do your parents like him? Very much!

Do his parents like you? Yes

Do you trust him? with everything

Would you share a toothbrush with him? EWW, NO

Would he let you wear his pants? LOL They would come up to my chin

Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep in? Nope

Do you like the way he smells? Yes

Can you picture having kids with him? I have good memories of having his children, but picture having more? Not on your life!

What bothers you the most about him? He is so smart and gifted that he thinks everyone should be able to do the things he does, he doesn't realize I'm not as smart as he is!

Does he have a temper? Yes, but has learned to mostly keep it under wraps

Are you happy to be with him? Oh, Yes

Does he embarrass you in public? Even after 22 years,sometimes, yes

Does he smoke or do drugs? Nope

Does he have any piercings? no

Any tattoos? No, he thinks they are disgusting

Does he have any scars that you know of? Quite a few from his wild and crazy childhood, but the one I am most familiar with happened with a pair of rubber handled pliars!

Is he a party dude or stay at home? He is quite content to stay at home but loves to visit with family friends

Is he outgoing or shy? HaHaHaHaHa. Maybe just a little outgoing.

Does he love his mama? yes

Would he hang out with you and your friends? Yes. Most of my friends are his friends also

Sing? When he sings beside me,he puts his fingers in his ears. I sing alto and it knocks him off key


Unknown said...

Shane and I read this together and laughed and laughed. We can't wait to hear the story about the rubber handled pliars!! oh and the outgoing part!! If everyone could only meet him!

Rita Loca said...

Shy? LOL Once he tried to teach me to play some card game. I remember very well, how smart he was and didn't understand what my problem was!